The Detective Contest is a detective game in which players try to decipher a deceptive crime, expose the perpetrator and describe what actually happened.

up to 500 players
Czech and English
2 hours
Zoom, MS Teams
DETECTIVE is a group detective game where each team is expected to unravel a tricky crime in 2 hours of game time. A video from the crime, interrogations of suspects and a group of forensic doctors will help you with that.

You do not need any special knowledge, only logic, intuition, deduction and a bit of luck.

PC, Zoom or MS Teams and internet is all you need to play.
An animated video reveals who the real criminal is. Result: The winning team is the one with the highest number of points. Teams get points not only for detecting a real criminal, but also for the accuracy of determining motives and other facts throughout the game.
Round 3: Teams study the results of forensic doctors and forensic analysis, summarize all the evidence and deliver the final verdict.
Players split into the teams per 3-6 persons. Team building organizer will receive the link to the game platform and share it within the company.
The game consists of 3 rounds of 30 minutes. In real time, players see on their screens: moderator, game files, crime scene video and live chat. At least fifteen minutes before the game all players open the link. The moderator will guide you through the rest of the game.
Round 2: Teams listen to audio recordings of interrogations of suspects and witnesses. Participants also receive additionally discovered details that help them to analyse further the situation.
Round 1: Teams watch the video from the crime scene, study files of all suspects and supplementary materials for this case.
What do I have to do as an organizer?
1. Choose date and time of the game
2. Divide players into teams and send us team names one day before the game.
3. Forward the instructions provided by us to all players (this includes the link to a Zoom meeting; time when it is necessary to connect and instructions on how to change name in the Zoom meeting to contain the name of the team).
GREAT THANKS for yesterday's online game - it was great! And as I have reactions from other colleagues, they really liked it. You have it perfectly prepared and thought out. It would be hard to find anything to criticize.
Lukas Rozmajzl, Online Project Manager v Sharry

Have a safe, fun, without borders team building
  • +420 702 216 064
  • Address in Czech republic:
    Petrohradská 216/3, Prague 10 - Vršovice, ENDORFIN
    Pernerova 697/35, Prague 8 - Karlín, SPOJKA EVENTS
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